Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Adderall : for those who can't at all

we are the ADD generation.
growing up with sugar cereal and hyper spastic cartoons before school, it is no wonder why children are diagnosed with attention deficit. they are being jacked up like electroshock therapy.
and in that process we allowed schools and councilors to medicate them, especially boys. young kids are suppose to be excited and energetic, but our current culture disapproves of that. desiring, instead, to medicate and zombify children so they will sit in a mindless and creatively devoid school structure.

boys seemed to be the heavily attacked and i knew lots of them in school who got put on ritalin. according to this article on overmedicating of american children ( ), "Antidepressants spending grew by 21% over a three-year period and ADHD by 369% (no typo) compared to 4.3% in the use of antibiotics"

what the fuck !?

so where are we now. we are in a culture of young adults who have no idea what it is like to feel sober and normal. and who are told still that they are not suppose to feel anything but productive. in the desire to rid themselves of depression, anxiety, mood swings they have dulled themselves to even the good stuff. the highs and lows are a never ending see-saw.

in the post-industrial age, we are taught to be machines. collages expect this, workplaces expect this, the trickle down to the family unit expects this.  to keep up with the demands of a constant punch-out while balancing the mental debilitation spawned by growing up medicated, the savior that is known as adderall has come to us humans.

people are able to focus and work more then ever. it is the equivalent of mental steroids. and causes similar side effects. the idea that we are to be mindless workhorses seems to be the paved road of american sense of production. we live to work not work to live.

competition in school and the workplace is putting an emphasis on mental enhancements. the options of proper diet, exercise, and healthy mental activity is a lifestyle shift most are not willing to embrace. taking a pill, is easier instead.

privileged class speed, it is creating drones and addicts in high places. getting reliant on it in college rolls over to work and now we are in brave new world.

more to come......

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